
LockInfo iOS 8.1.2 Cydia App 2015 - Best LockScreen Cydia Tweak for iPhone, iPad

LockInfo iOS 8.1.2 Cydia App 2015

IntelliScreenX, Springtomize and LockInfo are couple of jailbreak apps for which users jailbreak their iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. IntelliScreenX and LockInfo iOS 8.1.2 are the same tweaks.

If you think that IntelliScreenX doesn’t get updates, you can go for LockInfo iPhone lockScreen Tweak. Both are paid tweaks and offers similar features, so, there isn’t any issue to choose one over another.

Anyways, if you’ve decided to go with LockInfo Cydia tweak, we’re here to tell you something that would really make you excited. Do you know, you can get LockInfo LockScreen tweak for free? Yeah, there are certain sources available on Cydia that offers Lock Info Cydia tweak for free. HackYouriPhone ( is one of them.

If you haven’t jailbroken iOS 8.2, download TaiG to jailbreak first. TaiG offers wide range of jailbreak tools for iOS 8.2, 8.1.2, 8.1.1 and iOS 7 iOS devices.

Currently, LockInfo iOS 8.1.2 compatible version is available on developer’s own repository. Yeah, older version of LockInfo can be downloaded from Cydia store itself. Till then you can try LockInfo on your iOS 8.1.2 for free using this beta version. The app would be updated soon.

Once you’ve installed LockInfo, there would be another pane in for LockInfo configurations. You can configure it for LockScreen gadgets. User can enable certain part or gadgets from this settings.

There are configurations for lock screen, notification center and other certain things. You can set various things for notification center, where you can configure tapping and swiping settings.

The same things available for lockscreen. You can tap to launch any app or gadget in full view from lockscreen. If you’ve got mail or SMS, you can swipe right or left to the message to respond it using LockInfo features.
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1 $type={blogger}:

Write $type={blogger}
25 March 2015 at 10:39 delete

nice post :)
